Our Council


Document Downloads:

CGP Project Event Planner Single

Term 2 Parent Info Form CGP

CGP Business Proposal Doc

CGP Student Finance Planning Sheet 

The people of Glacier Park are represented by an independent council of residents. Elections will be held in late term one with the councillors gaining the most votes assuming the roles of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Glacier Park.

Council voted at the end of term 1 and ratified the following laws:

  • Residents are permitted 5 sick & family day absences during term two with full pay.
  • Council voted for the anti-business position. As councillors are responsible for choosing and funding businesses, they are able to volunteer time to business, but cannot be paid for their involvement.
  • Residents of Glacier Park must earn rewards and event days through good attendance, positive behaviour and managing their finances. Council will run three events that will be open to all residents.
  • Council will hold a referendum to decide the end of term celebration event.


Mayor: Heath



Deputy Mayor: Amber




Councillor 1: Jacob



Councillor 2: William



Councillor 3:


Council Debate City of Glacier Park (Extended Highlights) from City of Glacier Park on Vimeo.


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